Undera Primary School is a small country school with a proud history for serving the local community since 1876.
Our school offers a friendly and supportive learning environment for all students, with caring staff who respect the individual needs of every student. Education is valued as a partnership between school and home, with parents always welcome and encouraged to participate in all school learning and activities.
Undera Primary School focuses on developing students socially, emotionally, and academically. Through the Respectful Relationships program students learn about respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. They learn how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.
The school’s teaching and learning program is based on the Victorian Curriculum, with a particular focus on integrating the skills of literacy and numeracy throughout all curriculum areas. Technology is used to support teaching and learning, with all students having access to laptops and ipads.
Specialist programs include Art, Library, STEM, Music and Physical Education.
The school takes pride in its playground areas, with a new playground and climbing frame built in 2021. With a number of undercover areas students are able to participate in outdoor activities during all seasons.
Thank you for considering Undera Primary School for your child’s education. If you have any questions or would like a school tour, please feel free to contact me on (03) 5826 0211.
Kind regards,
Robyn Bell
Acting Principal
© 2022 Undera Primary School